We save lives.

Since 1971, O’Brien House has been saving lives and families from alcoholism and addiction.

O’Brien House was established in 1971 to serve adult recovering alcoholics and drug addicts.

The center was named for Paul S. “Pat” O’Brien, who spent 53 years of his life working with alcoholics and educating the public about the disease of alcoholism.

Through the years, O’Brien House has drawn the appreciation and support of the Baton Rouge community and is the only facility welcoming indigent and homeless clients.

Our Mission, Vision & Values


O’Brien House saves lives and families from alcoholism and drug abuse through residential treatment and community outreach.


O’Brien House will be an effective, quality organization that supports ongoing recovery to all and returns clients to mainstream society. It will be an organization led by a committed community board, a competent and dedicated staff and active alumni. It will be a widely recognized organization that is respected and supported by the community with a broad base of financial support.


Caring for each person

Open mindedness to others

Acceptance of the individual

Confidentiality among staff and clients

Honesty and sobriety as a way of life

Respect for each individual

Unconditional love


What We Do




Adult Education
